Over the past 5 years American Creek Resources (from which Stinger Resources was born) has made several strategic acquisitions and has consolidated the richest ground in the Bear Valley near Stewart, BC- in the heart of the “Golden Triangle”. This property package not only includes the past producing polymetallic Dunwell Mine, but a number of other zones that also produced high grade gold and silver. The property boasts possibly the best logistics in the Golden Triangle with a highway and power running through it and is located only 8km from bulk tonnage shipping ports in Stewart, BC.

BC's Golden Triangle
Recently, The Golden Triangle has emerged as one of the most attractive mining jurisdictions in the world. Companies, and exploration investment have been flocking to this heavily mineralized corner of Canada. Even though this area hosts some of the largest and richest mineral deposits in the world, its true value is still in its infancy.
Due to rising gold prices, the region has seen a dramatic rise in exploration, accounting for 41% of all expenditures in the province in 2016. Over this time period it has become one of the richest metal belts in the world.
Dozens of exploration companies are operating in The Golden Triangle and the market is appreciating the serious potential these investment opportunities have. Stinger Resources is poised to become the next serious player in this prestigious mining district.

“The Golden Triangle is once again the center of attention, and it could be poised to become one of the world’s most prolific concentrations of mineral wealth.”
-Visual Capitalist
The 2,222 hectare Dunwell Mine property is part of a highly strategic package of mineral claims acquired through numerous acquisitions over the years by Stinger Resources starting in 2016 which includes the past producing Dunwell Mine (closed during World War II in 1941). The Bear valley was the first area to be explored in the Stewart region and is so rich with showings that a checker board of small claim ownership has existed for a better part of a century resulting in a lack of large scale geological work and development.
It is located between Ascot’s Silbak Premier mine and Red Mountain deposit with historical production in similar grade range.
*Click the map to enlarge

Until recently, this property was made up of several small crown grants which made any large scale exploration impossible. Companies started to amalgamate these claims into bigger blocks and through numerous transactions American Creek was able acquire three consolidated properties and add more claims to them in 2018 and 2020. These properties, now renamed The Dunwell Mine Property, are 100% owned by Stinger Resources.
The Portland Canal Fissure Zone is the most significant geological feature in the Bear River valley. This zone of faulting and shearing trends north, dips steeply west, and hosts a vein system that extends southward for 6.5 kilometres from the Victoria/Dandy occurrence (on Dunwell) in the north, through the Dunwell mine itself, across Glacier Creek to the Ben Bolt occurrence (on Dunwell) in the south. With the recent acquisition of the Glacier Creek Crown Grants (south of Glacier Creek), Stinger Resources now controls 5km of the 6.5km fissure zone which contains numerous high-grade polymetallic mineral occurrences.
“One of the most important mineral trends of northwestern British Columbia extends from near the town of Stewart north to the Treaty Glacier“
–Nelson / Kyba, British Columbia Geological Survery, Ministry of energy and Mines 2014

GEM Systems GSMP-35A Potassium Vapor Magnetometers mounted in a Tri-Axal array.
As no modern exploration techniques or technologies had been employed on the Dunwell property prior to American Creek’s acquisition, careful consideration was given as to the best options and techniques that could lead to discovery. This analysis resulted in a decision to proceed with an extensive Induced Polarization (IP) survey in the fall of 2019 and, to further define targets, a 450 line km high-resolution magnetic survey in combination with a LIDAR survey- completed in 2020.
Simcoe’s Alpha IP was chosen over a conventional IP survey because of its cutting-edge technology in detecting detailed high chargeability / low resistance anomalies in the ground. Specifically, the Alpha IP survey has far greater resolution and depth than standard IP’s and can provide the data in a 3D view. These are critical factors as the Dunwell Mine property contains numerous high-grade veins that are potentially more readily detected using a high-resolution survey.
Results from the fall 2019 survey resulted in thirty-seven anomalous zones being identified and interpreted as significant targets for follow up from surface to ~300m+ depth. Out of thirty-seven anomalous zones, fifteen are considered first priority, sixteen second and six are third priority targets. The anomalous zones consist of strong to moderate chargeability related to associated conductive to resistive zones. These targets have a strong correlation with the Portland Canal Fissure Zone with the strongest targets running along the Dunwell Creek / Portland Canal Faults, the secondary targets running down each side of the primary target, and the tertiary targets running along the western edge of the fissure zone.
Genesis Aviation Inc. was chosen to complete the High-Resolution Gradient Magnetometer survey in conjunction with a Three-Dimensional LIDAR survey over the property. This type of magnetic survey is flown by a low altitude helicopter and offers Measured Horizontal and Vertical Gradient data. This makes a significant difference to the magnetic inversion that provides a model at depth. The survey, which was conducted over the whole property, will allow the past, present and future geological and geophysical programs to be correlated with a much higher degree of accuracy than otherwise possible. For more information see the full press release.
The Historical Dunwell Mine
The majority of production occurred between 1926 and 1937. 45,657 tonnes were produced averaging 6.63 grams per tonne gold, 223.91 grams per tonne silver, 1.83 per cent lead, 2.43 per cent zinc and 0.026 per cent copper. Potential exists to develop more reserves, along strike to the present workings and at depth below the No. 4 level. Drilling in 2010 has indicated a zone at least 300 metres long and 200 metres along dip with a true thickness of 6-7 metres. Similar to the ore mined, the gold grade of this new extension shows 5-6 grams/tonne with appreciable silver, zinc, copper and lead.
Potential Extension of Dunwell Mine
The Dunwell Mine Property contains close to two dozen main showings of high-grade gold, silver, lead, zinc and copper. Of these, over half have been historically explored underground and 7 or 8 have shipped ore, the most significant of which is the Dunwell Mine. Other producing claims within the property had their ore processed at the nearby Dunwell mine. These include the following:
Note: All information taken from summary reports submitted to the B.C Ministry of Mines
Sunbeam: Approximately 100 tons of ore was high-graded from blasted pits on the exposed Sunbeam vein. A grab sample from the adit dump assayed 4.1 g/t gold, 32.9 g/t silver, 1.35% lead and 4.70% zinc (Assessment Report 10190). The Sunbeam vein varies from 1.0 to 1.8 metres in width, with a definite strike length of 315 metres and possibly up to 588 metres. The Sunbeam vein likely continues northward through the Victoria/Danby occurrence (104A 067) as the Main Reef vein.
George E: At least nine sub-parallel veins spaced 15-40 metres apart with significant mineralization in at least four of them. The Numbers 1, 2 and 4 veins vary from 0.2 to 1.8 metres in width and have been traced along strike for between 165 metres (Number 4) and 300 metres (Numbers 1 and 2). The Number 3 vein varies from 0.1 to 9 metres in width and has been traced for 700 metres.
- Mineralization generally consists of disseminated to massive pyrite, galena and sphalerite with a trace of argentite and native silver in a gangue of quartz and minor calcite. A representative sample from a well mineralized lens, 4.6 metres long and 0.05 to 0.46 metres wide in the Number 3 vein assayed 63.1 g/t gold, 137 g/t silver, 5% lead and 6% zinc (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1935, page B23). A 1.5 metre chip sample from the Number 4 vein assayed 17 g/t gold, 583 g/t silver, trace copper, 28% lead and 5% zinc (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1934, page 20). A 1.25 metre chip sample from the Number 1 vein assayed 15.8 g/t gold, 411 g/t silver, trace copper, 7.45 lead and 0.2% zinc (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1937, page B12).
- 12 tons of high-grade ore was mined from the No. 1 vein with an average grade of 13 g/t gold, 3,250 g/t silver and 23.3% lead.
Little Wonder: Listed as a past producer. Production amount is unknown.
Ben Ali: 5,000 tons yielding 3,000 ounces gold. 4,500 tons at 21.6 g/t gold.
Lakeview: 60 tons grading 4.7 g/t gold, 2,734 g/t silver, and 11.5% lead.
Victoria (Main Reef): Two separate numbers reported; perhaps an initial 6 tonnes of 20.6 g/t gold, 1028.6 g/t silver, 35% lead, and 10% zinc ore was shipped, later totaling 11 tonnes grading 20.15 g/t gold, 775 g/t silver, 25% lead, and 5% zinc.
Mayflower: produced a few tons of ore running about $60 a ton in gold values (1918 values). An adit sample assayed 78.2 g/t gold and 1,961.2 g/t silver.
Silver Ledge: Quartz veins with up to 0.36 ounces per ton gold, 0.04 ounces per ton silver, 5.4% lead and 0.65% zinc.
Emperor: Reported as a past producer – sampling averaged $12 a ton over 20 feet (1925 values).
Goldie: Grab sample from 2 tonnes of clean galena assayed 2,880 g/t silver and 80% lead.
Mimico: Grab samples of galena have assayed up to 5,345 g/t silver and 87.2% lead.
Tyee (Mother Lode): Produced 8.2 tonnes of ore grading 124.4 g/t gold and 4,478.8 g/t silver.
Mobile: Produced 12 tonnes of ore grading 2.7 g/t Au, 8,247 g/t Ag, 8% Pb, 9.6% Zn